2000, Bronze, 38" x 26" x 12", Edition
A dozen doves spring into flight from the arms of
St. Francis. The exuberance of this piece reflects the joy and love of
all of God's creature which embody the philosophy of this humble saint from
Assisi, Italy. As we think of the mounting fury over the extreme chasm of the Great Divide, mainly between the 'haves and have nots,' as we think of the abuses being generated by terrorists, being fueled by the pathetic martyrdom of young idealists, who in their sickness and disillusionment are encouraged to commit outrageous atrocities against humanity, let us think even more about the failures of the old order, about the failures of the greedy, envious and arrogant, and how they have spawned a cancer that fuels such misguided manipulation of the youth by religious fanatics. To address the quality of life in our society and economy, the desperate prayers of the innocent must be met with humane answers. Peaceful honesty fosters self-discipline and self-control. It’s the kind, like Kung Fu, that requires an internal focus, balance, relaxation, and within the three, hard work. In short, it’s the kind that requires meditative self-control.